Networks of Wellbeing

Networks of Wellbeing


Featured Activities

Please see below for further information on some of the groups and activities supported by NoW.

Dru Yoga and Relaxation

Alison Massie (who runs our Dru Yoga and Relaxation group) has suggested trying the following exercises. Those who attend our groups may be familiar with them and, for those who find it more comfortable to do so, they can potentially be done sitting in a chair.

Energy Block Release

Deep Relaxation

Body-mind yoga to relax, re-energise and empower

Sacro lumbar release



Chilling Women

Led by a qualified aromatherapist, our Chilling Women group looks at the benefits of essential oils on our wellbeing.

During the sessions we learn to make all sorts of wonderful lotions and potions and learn how to use essential oils in our daily lives.  We have tried to use ingredients that are readily available and which you may already have at home.

Here are of the things that the group have made for their own use - we make no claims that they can replace store bought goods however they are great fun to make and, for some of us, have replaced the products we previously used.  

We hope you enjoy making them.

For more information on the group please call 01466 793732, email or contact us via the link on our website.

Bath Bombs

Coconut oil and it's benefits.

Easy hand cream and lotion.


Please note that we make no claims that this can replace store bought hand sanitiser however it was fun to make.

Hand cream, facemasks, and moisturising lotion.

Essential oils for anxiety and insomnia.

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