Networks of Wellbeing

Networks of Wellbeing


Our Vision, Mission and Values

Our Vision

We believe that people should be empowered to take control of their own mental health and, with any necessary support, to build self-confidence and resilience through the help of positive and constructive relationships. 

We believe that, with support, people living with poor mental health and wellbeing can return to a fully independent and happy life, where they have the confidence to make their own choices and where they are empowered to build their own “networks of wellbeing'.

Our Mission

To promote mental health resilience for the benefit of the individual and our wider communities, and to contribute to and inform local, regional, and national community based mental health policy and practice.

We are a non-political organisation focused on promoting good mental health and supporting recovery for individuals within their local area.  We seek to encourage positive attitudes to mental health in the communities we serve.  Working with others, at all levels, we are eager to learn and to participate in the development and sharing of best practice.

Our Values

We are an open and inclusive organisation where we value each individual for the person that they are and work with them to achieve the changes that they themselves seek.

We acknowledge that there are many forms and degrees of mental health difficulties and we aim never to label people, but rather to provide a welcoming environment where individuals can find the support they seek and where they can connect with others. 

We believe that people should not to have to struggle to pay to improve their mental health and wellbeing and therefore our services are free at the point of delivery.

We believe we have a duty to pay a fair wage to our staff and to that end we have signed up as a Living Wage Employer.

Our Aim

Through delivering a range of varied services and activities whereby people can have choice in how they can engage with the support provided by Networks of Wellbeing, it is hoped that a greater number of people can access the support and help they need.

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